The first time I called myself a witch was one of the most magical and freeing moments of my life.
This statement may seem cringy to some, however, it's my truth. You see...I was raised in church. Pentacostal church. If you've ever seen those documentaries...yes. It's exactly like that. The fire and brimstone, speaking in tongues, laying on of hands and the fear of tabletop games like Dungeons and Dragons or Magic The Gathering.
From the time I was a small child, I always knew that I was magickal. I spoke to the trees, the animals, the rivers, the stones. You could always find me with my two sisters exploring the woods and gathering rocks, plants and injured critters to bring home to nurse back to health. We were magickal creatures.
As we grew up, the world of Pentacostal religion convinced us that we were only valuable if we believed ourselves to be sinners unworthy of the love of God except by the sacrifice of his son. We were told that animals were soulless and that enjoying things like secular music or kissing boys was a path straight to hellfire.
Our magick was suppressed by the brainwashing of the church.
Still, my desire to learn about the "dark" path was strong. So strong that I would fear that the flames of hell were bound to be my destination. It was a battle that LONG raged inside of me.
Then, after years of believing myself to be an utter failure to the faith, I had an epiphany. (Several, in fact.) These epiphanies lead to my searching out what it was that was buried inside of me. I had to burn through fear of hell and damnation in order to find my way to that magickal child that still beat against my heart to be set free. I was well into my late 20's when I finally left the church and began my journey into the Craft.
It has lead me to some of the most beautiful connections, memories and truly knowing myself and not fearing the afterlife. I was free. I was unafraid. And then, I wanted to share this with others! Ultimately, that's what lead me here. To provide a haven for those who may not have anyone willing to guide them or commune with them. My door is open to all who wish to learn and grow.
That, ultimately, is what Gaia Rain Emporium is about. I am Gaia Rain and I am a witch.
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